Oliy ma'had



Training of highly skilled specialists who are capable of conducting consistent scientific and analytical researches in the field of religious studies and exploring rich cultural and spiritual heritage, religious sources and monuments, is a demand of contemporary life - U.Hafizova, lecturer of Tashkent Islamic Institute

Eid 2020 Prayers To Be Performed At Home

Eid 2020 Prayers to be prayed at home as Coronavirus pandemic has restricted Muslims all around the world to pray the Eid salah publicly. 551


In consecutive and effective organizing the function of Tashkent Islamic Institute the following departments are operating: Rectorate; Educational- methodical department; Spiritual-educational and working with gifted youth department; Information resources center; Monitoring and internal control department; Informational-technic supply department; Human resources department; Court and archive; Accountiny department; Technical supply department. 537


Science of Heritage, Science of aqaid, Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), Usulul Fiqh, Jurisprudence basis of modern issues, Tasawwuf, Basis of fatva and rules of jurisprudence, Methods and methodology of teaching Islamic subjects, Qur’anic recitation and knowledge, Tafsir (commentaries to the Qur’an), Hadith, History of Islam, Mustalahul Hadith, Khataba, Arabic, Persian, Russian and English languages, Studying and characterizing manuscripts, Uzbek and world classical literature, Balagat, Strategy of developing of Uzbekistan. Citizen’s society, Philosophy of Islam. Logic science, Physical education and sport, Information technology, Methodology of scientific researches, Pedagogy. Psychology, Spiritual-educational basis of struggle against terrorism and extremism, Islam and modern life, Islamic economy and banking, New history of Muslim countries. 502


To enter Tashkent Islamic Institute the following exams are taken: – Arabic (creative) – Fiqh and aqaid (theology, Science of laws of shariah (Islamic jurisprudence)) (test) – History of Uzbekistan (test) Citizens of Uzbekistan with secondary specialized diploma of Islamic institutions are accepted to Tashkent Islamic Institute. 567
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