

Islam has always focused on creating a healthy environment in society. He has placed obstacles in the way of this noble goal in front of all the disadvantages and shortcomings among people. It uses its wise way of introducing any business – a method that offers some right and appropriate action – in return for a defect one. After all, a human nature does not always want to face prohibitions. Therefore, whichever way or teaching is more forbade than ordered, it only leads to decay tomorrow.

One of the defects prevented by Islam is the corruption. Its Arabic translation is “فساد”, “رشوة”. These words, in addition to the meaning of “corruption”, also mean “destroying”, “irregularities” and “degrade”. The meaning of the word “corruption” in use is “attempting to resolve something or some business to his own advantage without having the right for it”. It is known that there is a correlation between the vocabulary and in use meanings of the term. Indeed, the vocabulary and in use meanings of these words are interconnected: it is done only by those who have a corrupted human nature.

Unfortunately, some villains name this abominable thing “Uzbekism” and, they do not realize that with this sordid interpretation, they blacken the entire ethnicity of the Uzbek nation.

It is well known that this is nothing but a “sincere nepotism” to satisfy their temptation. It is ruefully that the corruption always breaks the criterion of justice, and it is not a secret that it was the main “factor” in a quote of disparity to be increased in the society.

What is the attitude of Islam to nepotism?

The answer can be found in the Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) response to a similar incident in the lives of his Companions: “It is narrated on the authority of ‘A’isha (may Allah be pleased with her) that the tribe Quraysh was troubled because of a woman (Fatima bint Abul Asad) from the tribe Makhzum, who had robbed. They consulted with one another: “Who will speak to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) about this?” They concluded that only the dearest person (like his grandson) to our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) Usama ibn Zayd (may Allah be pleased with him) could do it. When Usama (may Allah be pleased with him) was going to tell him about it to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), he said angrily: “Hey Usama? Are going to interfere and cancel the punishment when Allah Himself appointed strict punishment?!” He stood up and made a khutba (religious lecture): “The reason for the destruction of the nations before you (Bani Israil, that is Jews) is that if a prominent person stole from them, he was not punished; but if any poor person stole something he was certainly punished. (That is to say, this injustice, nepotism, and corruption led them to the Divine punishment that destroyed them on the world stage!) By Allah, I have never allowed such injustice, that is if a person who robbed is not Fatimah, the daughter of Abul Asad, but Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad, certainly, I will cut her hand too. That is, I am afraid of being subjected to the great punishment of Allah, if I let realize injustice by your offer. So, I will not let the injustice even for the protection of my close person in this world. If a person does any injustice to help his close person, that close person will not be able to protect him from the punishment of Allah in the Last Day. Allah will not release His slave from punishment saying that he did it to save his close person”. (Narrated by Imam Muslim and Nasai)

The Companions witnessed how opposed and uncompromising is the attitude of Islam to the corruption in this fair judgment of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), a model for the whole Muslim community. They repented immediately.

In this case, we can conclude that Islam keeps everyone from stealing. Even though it is a very low-profile profession, such as collecting firewood, one should not be ashamed from it, and he should not live at someone else’s expense, but repent and ask his needs only from Allah and live by his own labor.

If anyone, despite his best efforts, tries to live by his own labor, but remains poor, Allah gave the second alternative to help and He made obligation for the rich to give poor people zakat.

 There are different types of corruption in every sphere, but there are also solutions to this problem too. And, expenses can be spent not for the purpose of corruption that leads to sins, but in the right way. The ways to make sinful deeds rewarded has disappeared yet!

Just to give one example, if parents, who give “gifts” to the teachers for their children to be marked “a five”, spent their money for their education at the institutions and additional studies and supply them with all conveniences for their education, they would be calm for their children’s exams and results. Everyone knows such examples. But, it is not the main problem. The problem is inside of us, that we do not follow what we know. We look forward to the rewards of Allah, but we do not fear to make sins. Actually, there is no more disaster and trouble more than this. After all, our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) stressed that corruption led Bani Israil, that is Jews to the destruction. So, it is not the feature worth the Ummah of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Bahadirjan Bahram ugli,
Tashkent Islamic Institute named after Imam Bukhari,
Teacher of the chair of “Hadith and subjects of Islamic history”


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