

World Arabic Language Day

Arabic Language Day is observed annually on December 18. The event was established by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) in 2010 seeking "to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six of its official working languages throughout the organization". December 18 was chosen as the date for the Arabic language as it is "the day in 1973 when the General Assembly approved Arabic as an official UN language"...- Senior teacher Fakhriddin Ernazarov of the ”Languages“ department

The new constitution of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan’s new constitution officially came into effect as of May 1, according to the Central Election Commission. The new constitution is composed of the preamble, six parts, 27 chapters and 155 articles. The changes were approved by an overwhelming majority of voters (90.2%) in a referendum held on April 30. The constitutional law “On the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, adopted by referendum on 30 April, came into force on 1 May, the Central Election Commission announced. As of this day, if norms contained in other laws and legal acts contradict the constitution, the courts will rule on the basis of the constitution. The full text of the new constitution, which has 65% revised content compared to the previous version, can be found here. It comprises the preamble,six parts,27 chapters, and155 articles...- Senior teacher Fakhriddin Ernazarov of the “Languages“department


Training of highly skilled specialists who are capable of conducting consistent scientific and analytical researches in the field of religious studies and exploring rich cultural and spiritual heritage, religious sources and monuments, is a demand of contemporary life - U.Hafizova, lecturer of Tashkent Islamic Institute


Islam has always focused on creating a healthy environment in society. He has placed obstacles in the way of this noble goal in front of all the disadvantages and shortcomings among people. It uses its wise way of introducing any business – a method that offers some right and appropriate action – in return for a defect one. After all, a human nature does not always want to face prohibitions. Therefore, whichever way or teaching is more forbade than ordered, it only leads to decay tomorrow. One of the defects prevented by Islam is the corruption. Its Arabic translation is “فساد”, “رشوة”. These words, in addition to the meaning of “corruption”, also mean “destroying”, “irregularities” and “degrade”. The meaning of the word “corruption” in use is “attempting to resolve something or some business to his own advantage without having the right for it”. It is known that there is a correlation between the vocabulary and in use meanings of the term. Indeed, the vocabulary and in use meanings of these words are interconnected: it is done only by those who have a corrupted human nature. Unfortunately, some villains name this abominable thing “Uzbekism” and, they do not realize that with this sordid interpretation, they blacken the entire ethnicity of the Uzbek nation. It is well known that this is nothing but a “sincere nepotism” to satisfy their temptation. It is ruefully that the corruption always breaks the criterion of justice, and it is not a secret that it was the main “factor” in a quote of disparity to be increased in the society. What is the attitude of Islam to nepotism? The answer can be found in the Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) response to a similar incident in the lives of his Companions: “It is narrated on the authority of ‘A’isha (may Allah be pleased with her) that the tribe Quraysh was troubled because of a woman (Fatima bint Abul Asad) from the tribe Makhzum, who had robbed. They consulted with one another: “Who will speak to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) about this?” They concluded that only the dearest person (like his grandson) to our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) Usama ibn Zayd (may Allah be pleased with him) could do it. When Usama (may Allah be pleased with him) was going to tell him about it to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), he said angrily: “Hey Usama? Are going to interfere and cancel the punishment when Allah Himself appointed strict punishment?!” He stood up and made a khutba (religious lecture): “The reason for the destruction of the nations before you (Bani Israil, that is Jews) is that if a prominent person stole from them, he was not punished; but if any poor person stole something he was certainly punished. (That is to say, this injustice, nepotism, and corruption led them to the Divine punishment that destroyed them on the world stage!) By Allah, I have...

Support of a woman in the state of iddah

Prior to Islam abuses of human rights increased in various ways in many countries of the world. In particular, the attitude towards women was in a very terrible state. They were treated as an object, not as human beings, and their rights were humiliated. In most Arabian families, if a girl was born, they would bury her alive. When a father died, a son inherited his father’s wives like a simple object, and it was not strange if a son married them if he wished. In India, a woman whose husband died was burned with him, because she did not have the right to live after her husband. In short, women had no rights. These situations caused the demand for a perfect position and a just social system. Finally, with the advent of Islam, the status of women in society began to gain a distinctive status. Their rights were restored. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was an example of respect for women as mothers, wives, sisters and daughters. The rules of dole (nafaqa), dowry (mahr), divorce (talaq), khulu’ (asking of a wife talaq from her husband offering some money for it) and iddah were determined. Rules were imposed not only on free women, but also on maidservants who were not considered as humans. Whose responsibility is to pay dole? Dole (nafaqa) is supplying a person in care with enough food, clothing, and housing. It is the duty of a husband to supply his wife with these things after marriage. What is if a wife gets divorce (talaq) or a husband dies? Unfortunately, we see that in most cases, a man divorces with his wife or not, he sends her to her father’s house. In fact, even after the divorce, the wife’s support remains on the duty of her husband for a while. For this, it is important to understand the matter of iddah perfectly. In our religion, the period of time that a woman should stay after her husband’s death or after a divorce is called “iddah”. State of iddah of a woman who gets divorce (talaq). If a woman is in the age of menstruating, her state of iddah ends after three menstrual periods. If a divorce occurs at the time of menstruation, it is counted from the next menstruation, but not from this one. If a woman is in the non-menstruating age then she stays in the state of iddah for three months after divorce. The state of iddah of a woman whose husband dies. Such women stay in the state of iddah for four months and ten days. The state of iddah of a pregnant woman. If a woman who is divorced or whose husband died is pregnant, her state of iddah ends with the birth of a baby. It is the duty of a husband to supply with food, clothing, and housing his wife during the above-mentioned states of iddah in spite of the fact that it is raj’i talaq or bain...
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